Frequently Asked Questions

American and French scientists have created the best pills and serum for hair loss. The specialists in the field of dietary supplements are certain - the unique product “Neofollica” (Home page of the dietary supplement Neofollica.) puts an end to the baldness. Neofollica is a new generation product with natural formula. Find out how the product works from the frequently asked questions listed below. If you can’t find the information you’re looking for, you can contact usfrom the contact form at the end of the page.

01 - What is Neofollica?

Neofollica is a natural product, which successfully treats hair loss.

02 - How does Neofollica work?

Unlike other hair products, which contain various chemical compounds, Neofollica is specially formulated to treat hair loss from the inside, thanks to all the herbal extracts, amino acids and other ingredients

03 - Can Neofollica stimulate hair growth on the bald spots of the scalp?

The sooner you start using Neofollica – the better the results. You can deal with this unpleasant problem efficiently with Neofollica.

04 - When will I see the first results?

The first results appear on the 30th day of use, but we recommend you to use Neofollica at least 60 days.

05 - What causes hair loss?

Hair loss can be caused by stress, certain medicines, thyroid gland problems etc. The process of hair development has 3 phases – active, intermediate and resting. The derivates of testosterone are the cause why the resting phase can be prolonged, which leads to thinner hair. Hair loss in both men and women doesn’t mean that the hair follicles are gone, but it represents their damage.

06 - How much hair loss is normal?

Most people loose about 50-100 hairs a day, which is normal, but if you start to loose more hair you should immediately contact a medical specialist and start treatment.

07 - What is DHT?

Testosterone-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is an androgen – a male hormone. The 5-alpha-reductase enzyme is responsible for converting free testosterone into DHT. The genes responsible for this syntezis are known. The 5-alpha-reductase occurs in the scalp and in the prostate. The levels of this enzyme are connected with the quantity of DHT in the scalp.

08 - Will Neofollica cure my hair loss?

There is no product that can cure completely hair loss, but with Neofollica you will slow down the process and in some cases you can deal with this problem for longer, but this depends on how long have you used the product.

09 - How can I be sure that Neofollica is safe for me?

Neofollica is a natural product, an all-natural dietary supplement, which contanins 100% herbal ingredients, so it is safe and has no side effects.

10 - Can I afford Neofollica?

In fact, everyone can afford Neofollica. If you use other products, you will loose a lot of money every month without even using special products. And if you decide to undergo an operation, it will cost you no less than 1000 of pounds per session.
You can buy Neofollica in promotional packages for 3 or 6 month, which will cost you less than those expensive shampoos or other products.
Learn more about our amazing product Neofollica.

11 - Are the effects of the product guaranteed?

We guarantee the positive effect of Neofollica. You will experience all the benefits of this amazing product.

12 - Would you share my name or email address?

Absolutely not! We never share any personal information!

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